1) Homeworks posted on Compass (Assessment)
Go to Compass now.
2) Night Observing
For more information go to
Download the observing form
before you go.
See the Night Observing Blog for more details:
3) Computer Sessions
A special computer session will be operated to allow students to
familiarize themselves with the necessary tools to look for Near Earth
You only need to attend one session over the three available dates and
two computer labs (Oregon and Nevada A/B Labs). These sessions will be
held during lecture time (see
schedule, so lecture is canceled for these dates.
These computer sessions are by reservation only because of limited
seating at each session. To sign up for a session, please go to
the registration website.
Here are the relvant documents:
- The main worksheet that describes the process and the required work. (Or the old style for those who did the Sept 28th class is
- A description of what to do if Astrometrica
fails the Automatic Data Reduction process, requiring some manual intervention.
- Background info in powerpoint and pdf.
Leslie Looney
Last modified: Thursday, 11-Feb-2010 09:23:41 CST