ASTR 122 |
Sections AD1-AD7 |
Spring 2006 |
Midterm Exam
Exam A Solutions:
Download Exam with solution.
Date: Thursday March 9th
Place and Time: In class, at the normal time
Format:  33 Multiple Choice (60 points) with 6 short answer questions (45 points).
The exam has 105 points, but it will be graded out of 100 points; 5 points of extra credit.
- Yourself, well-rested and well-studied
- A calculator
- You may also bring 1 piece of regular,
8.5"× 11" paper with notes written on it. You may
write or print whatever notes or diagrams
you like on (both sides of) the paper. It is
a very good idea to write your own sheet, as the exercise of deciding what
is important, organizing it, and writing it down, is a good way to study.
- Topics:  From the basis of the class to star formation will be on the exam.
Lecture, homworks, and reading material may be included.
Study tips:  We have covered a lot of material in a short time.
As noted above, lecture, homework, and reading material can be included.
However, note that topics covered in lecture and homework are an
indication of what I think is the most important material,
so these are worth special focus.
Astro122 Home
Leslie Looney
Last modified:
Tue Mar 7 12:34:09 CST 2006