Jaipur - Jantar Mantar

November 8, 2001

The Jantar Mantar is a collection of astronomical instruments used by and built by the local Majaraja to study the movements of the constellations, the sun, the moon, the planets, and more. Astrology was very important to the royal family. The observatory was built in the 1800s and can be used to obtain surprisingly accurate measurements.

Jantar Mantar from the Large Samrat

The Large Samrat

The Large Samrat

The Large Samrat's arc - used for measuring the sun's location.

Leslie & Yan on top of the Narivalya

Closeup of the Narivalya's dial

Leslie and Yan exploring the Small Samrat

The Small Samrat - again

The Jai Prakash (celestial sphere)

Leslie and Yan on the Jai Prakash

The drawing of the constellation Virgo on the Rashivalaya used to measure its movements

The Rashivalaya Yantra with birds

Current Astronomers (i.e. Occupants) of the Jantar Mantar

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